Day 13!!

This morning was a bright and early start as the team
 went to the Life Training Center to prepare for the day. We gathered our materials and games and started teaching STEM classes early for the older kids, where a mad scientist made an appearance to help aid the learning.

After a fun first STEM session with the older kids learning about crystals and vinegar eggs, we then all moved over to Hope House to teach everybody about bridges. After a fun morning building straw bridges, the team left to eat lunch and everyone got some much needed rest before we began the afternoon.

The afternoon began with some more STEM lessons as the students began building contraptions for an egg drop. Some contraptions didn’t have surviving eggs after the one story drop, but many were successful! After the egg drop, the team and students split into guys time and girls time. For obvious reasons, I was not a part of girls time so there will be some space at the bottom where a fellow team member will speak on girls time.

For guys time, we all went to Faith House for games and conversation. It felt like small group time among friends with a lot laughter and fun, but also a lot of space for everyone to open up and have quite a few deep and meaningful conversations among the boys. Everyone was very open to sharing and listening to how God was interacting with everyone’s lives and about the trials and tribulations of the brothers alongside one another. The coffee was spectacular and the conversations relaxed and deeply meaningful. Exactly how guys time should be.

After this time, the whole team went back to the hotel for dinner and debrief and everyone kept the conversation very PG and serious the entirety of the debrief with no innuendos in sight. After the debrief everyone went to bed ready for rest and excited for another day serving the Lord!


Girls Time 

After spending the day at Hope House with the kids, we went over to Grace House to hang out with the older girls. We braided each other’s hair, drank coffee together and just had a really great bonding time with each of them. I (Alianna) had the opportunity to share my testimony, my story, with the girls. I found that in many ways, I could relate to these girls. As of recently, I have learned to live in a single parent household. In several ways, it has forced me to grow up and mature far faster than my peers. I’ve had to face the challenge of trying to balance the normal responsibilities of a teen while also taking on the responsibilities of caring for siblings or cooking the food. I know that each of these girls have experienced this on some level. 

As Kelly Clarkson says in her song “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger”—I know, I know, it’s a silly phrase from a mediocre pop song, but it’s true. While going through these things is difficult, it can help shape us into stronger and more faithful people. 

I have seen so much growth in myself and in my family over the past few years. We’ve grown closer to each other and to God. We’ve been reminded that through all of these trials, God never stopped providing. He never left us, and he never will. 



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