Welcome to the CCPC Ethiopia 2022 team blog! Follow along with us in Ethiopia as we make new friends, try new things, and serve with Hope for the Fatherless. We are so excited for you to embark on this journey with us....
Every evening the team debriefs and shares their “high, low, and what did God show?” from the day. Here is a sampling from our first day at the retreat center with all the kids and staff from HFTF. We left this morning after organizing our VBS materials, searching multiple stores for corn starch, vinegar, and eggs for upcoming science experiments, and surviving a stuffy, cramped, and VERY bumpy hour-long drive to camp…. HIGHS : Worshipping with 30 kids who loved singing out to God with passion and joy. Experiencing the best combination of talents, gifts, personalities, and passions ever assembled in one mission team. We complement one another and each bring unique offerings to the work and fun we are sharing. Watching 5-year-old Eyob sing his heart out with perfect lyrics to Who You Say I Am. 🥰 Talking computer coding with several interested teen boys, including one self-proclaimed hacker. Being encouraged by each teammate to continue in the good work being...
Hello friends and family! Thanks for checking in! Today was a wonderful day full of laughter, singing, dancing, crafting and so much more. We woke up this morning, earlier than we would have liked, rolled out of bed and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. We enjoyed our meal, the staff headed off to training, and the team and kids started our third and final day of VBS. To begin the morning session, we sang some of our favourite songs and played some awesome “repeat after me” games lead by the dynamic duo Sean and Ty. Ms. Parker taught a lesson asking the question “Who is my neighbour?” The kids participated in discussions and we wrote out all of our thoughts. After the lesson, the kids had the opportunity to make bracelets! One for themselves, and one for a neighbor. They also were able to make a necklace. The kids had a wonderful time making their creations. Even though the beads were a tad bit tiny, the kids giggled and talked as they worked thoughtfully on their br...
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