Day 10 part 2–Highs & Lows

Every evening the team debriefs and shares their “high, low, and what did God show?” from the day. Here is a sampling from our first day at the retreat center with all the kids and staff from HFTF. We left this morning after organizing our VBS materials, searching multiple stores for corn starch, vinegar, and eggs for upcoming science experiments, and surviving a stuffy, cramped, and VERY bumpy hour-long drive to camp…. 


Worshipping with 30 kids who loved singing out to God with passion and joy. 

Experiencing the best combination of talents, gifts, personalities, and passions ever assembled in one mission team. We complement one another and each bring unique offerings to the work and fun we are sharing. 

Watching 5-year-old Eyob sing his heart out with perfect lyrics to Who You Say I Am. 🥰

Talking computer coding with several interested teen boys, including one self-proclaimed hacker. 

Being encouraged by each teammate to continue in the good work being done. 

Hearing from God through shared testimonies from Ty and Reese about the importance of perseverance, endurance, and letting God lead you in life. 

Learning EVERYONE’s name! Belay led us all—the team, staff, and kids—in a memory game to learn each others’ name. It was a game-changer! Everyone bonded and the whole atmosphere changed afterwards. As Belay explained, we each have a name and an identity that God knows uniquely for us, and He sees us. We need to do the same for one another!

Teaching one of the teen boys how to play chords on the guitar. 

And pretty much every other moment of singing songs, acting out skits together, discussing the VBS lesson, making crafts, and playing games—SUCH an amazing day!


A cold is going around and we don’t like seeing teammates feel bad. 

Being tired (there was a LOUD wedding until 3 am at the hotel last night, and currently dogs won’t stop barking here at camp) or cold (it’s rainy season and camp is just outside of Addis—it feels a bit like Estes Park in late October) or carsick (the drive was VERY bumpy!) or overloaded (for our introverts—with 30 exuberant kids at VBS, there is a LOT going on!) or just dealing with aches and pains. 

Feeling out of place or uncertain or stretched beyond our comfort zone—there are language and cultural barriers, extreme poverty, and desperate situations we learn about. It’s a lot to take in and process. 


People who have visited HFTF before shared about some of the UNBELIEVABLE growth, healing, and restoration they see in several kids in particular. God has been so faithful and powerful in how He is redeeming lives here. 

Seeing the love and care the HFTF kids show to one another—helping each other on the playground, watching out for the baby, and sharing what they have. 

Also realizing God’s presence, provision, protection, and promises in EVERY high AND low that we experience!

He is good and we can trust Him—all the time and in all circumstances! ❤️


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