Day 4!!


Good morning from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

Waking up this morning felt surreal. We’re in Africa! After months of preparation, over 30 hours spent in airports and airplanes, and a customs agent taking Alianna’s passport (which we got back), we were finally in Ethiopia and in our mission field. I woke up so incredibly grateful to the Lord that we arrived intact with all our possessions, ready to set out in joy to serve our brothers and sisters.

The day began with breakfast at the Swiss Inn Hotel (our hotel in Addis). We were told there would be a continental breakfast ready for us. When I hear continental, I think of the Marriott or Hampton with its little metal tin of scrambled eggs, greasy bacon, and bread next to a toaster that doesn’t work. So, when I tell you that this breakfast was unlike any I had ever seen, I am not exaggerating. There was an entire 8 foot circular table with all sorts of bread, another table specifically for vegetables that you could put on a plate and take to the omelette station, and an entire serving line of Ethiopian firfir, porridge, and a chef who would personally cook your eggs to your liking. It was an amazing way to start our day.

After breakfast, we packed 2 days worth of clothes and drove to the airport to travel to Lalibela, a town about 700km from Addis. Along the way, we met a young man from California named Keegan, who has been staying at Faith House with Hope for the Fatherless. He would be joining us for our trip! Sammy met us at the airport and helped us through security and check-in. No issues. No problem. We were then joined by a young woman named Jerusalem who would also join us for our trip! She is a student in Germany with family in Ethiopia. She had been working alongside HFTF to research for her thesis paper pertaining to international social work, her field of study. We loaded the plane, and would soon be in Lalibela.

Upon landing, we deplaned onto a runway in the middle of the greenest plateaus I’ve ever seen. We were surrounded by nothing but green mountains—a beautiful sight to see. Sammy led us out of the airport to our guide, who enthusiastically welcomed us to Lalibela. We loaded the van, and started jamming to “Waka Waka” while looking out the windows to the beautiful views of the mountains, the people, and their homes. Rachel put it this way: “singing and dancing in the car was what felt like our first moment of fun after 3 days of logistics and rigorous planning”. We had a 30 minute car ride that began with joy and then transitioned into a different feeling.

The sights we saw were described from anywhere between “hard living” and “desolate poverty”. For some, it was reminiscent to their time in Kenya or Juarez. For others, it was their first time seeing this type of living. It caused ache in the hearts of the team. But I think that shows that our team is able to see hard things, empathize with them, and serve them well as a result. After the initial shock, the team had a different energy; an energy of servant hearts and selflessness. 

After arriving at our hotel, we visited the self-proclaimed 8th Wonder of the Ancient World: The Churches of Lalibela. They were carved out of the ground over 900 years ago and were commissioned by King Lalibela. We received a history lesson from our guide before returning to our hotel for the evening. There, we finished choreographing the motions to our VBS songs before enjoying a long dinner, conversation, and fellowship.

Our day was the first day where everything went according to plan, and I think that’s why we were able to enjoy it a little more. The Lord provided a day of rest for us, and we were much more lively as a result. I am excited to take this feeling of joy and carry it into the rest of the trip, and I think the rest of the team would agree.

Until next time!

- Sean Jr


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